The Lotus Blossom Technique
45 min | Team | Discussion Technique
The Challenge
A technique which involves identifying the multiple aspects of an issue – the sub-themes/the contents creatively.
List of required equipment
- Pen
- Paper
- Whiteboard
45 min | Team | Discussion Technique
A technique which involves identifying the multiple aspects of an issue – the sub-themes/the contents creatively.
Students learn to analyse the multiple facets of a challenge/topic/issue and to make connections between diverse pieces of information.
The central theme is written in the centre of the diagram. The participants think of the ramifications/applications of the central theme and write the new ideas in the 8 petals marked A to H. The 8 ideas are used to derive new connections. The diagrams are analysed, while the ideas can represent topics for: applications, individual study or group projects.
The initial central issue will induce identifying 8 main ideas stemming from the central idea. Each of the 8 ideas are then used as “the cores” of new, secondary ramifications. The ideas are placed in a diagram resembling a lotus flower: at the core is the main issue; the main ideas are 8 “petals” which surround the central theme; they are marked A to G, in clockwise order. Each petal is then represented in another, smaller lotus flower, around the initial core. More ideas stem from the 8 smaller flowers that surround the central “flower”.
When do we use this method?
How do we use the method?
How is the process relevant for a person’s development or solving their problems? Here is an example, taken from here:
An unemployed marketing executive used the lotus exercise to generate ideas he needed to land a job. His central theme was “job”. One of the ideas surrounding this central box was “create a resume.” “Resume” then became a new central theme and, using the idea stimulators, he came up with a number of variations on the idea of a resume. For example, he took out ads in several papers with the bold headline, “$50,000 Reward.” The fine print underneath explained that an employer could save $50,000 by not paying a headhunter to find a person with his marketing talents. When interested employers called the number listed in the ad, they heard a recording of his resume. He received forty-five job offers.