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30 min | Individual | Technique Analysis Self Awareness & Efficacy Spotting Opportunities


The Challenge

The following activity aims to achieve greater personal knowledge through weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities at the individual level (SWOT analysis). On the other hand, through  CAME analysis, strategies will be thought to correct weaknesses, face threats, maintain strengths and exploit opportunities.

List of required equipment

  • Printed papers
  • Pens
  • Sticky notes

What can students learn from this?

They can have more knowledge about themselves, their strengths, weaknesses and how to develop strategies to improve.

How can I do this in class?

Use templates of SWOT and CAME to encourage each student to develop his/her own analysis thinking personally.

Regarding SWOT (15 min), we will pay attention to:

  • Strengths: all those personal skills or abilities that we have developed. For  example: ability to concentrate or good time management, ability to work in a team, etc.
  • Weaknesses: everything on a personal level that we do not have developed on a personal level. For example, a weakness can be the lack of constancy or ignorance of tax matters.
  • Opportunities: it is everything on an external level that can benefit us in some way. For example, the existence of new online training methods, development of telework, courses to improve skills, etc.
  • Threats: it would be everything external that can impede our personal development. For example, lack of training offer in skills, lack of job opportunities in a specific country, people not being trained in creativity, etc.

Once the SWOT has been carried out, regarding CAME (15 min), we will pay attention to:

  • Correct: We must correct weaknesses on a personal level. For example, if the weakness was poor communication skills, we will work on methods to improve our oral communication.
  • Tackling (“afrontar” in Spanish): we must think about how to deal with threats from the environment. If people are not taught to be creative, we can deal with this threat by training in the subject.
  • Maintain: we must maintain strengths. That is, we must work strategies to maintain those skills that we already have developed.
  • Exploit: in this section, we will think about how we can extract all the benefit from the opportunities that the environment offers us (training online, learning with new tools …).

RULES for student:

  • Make an inventory of your skills, abilities and strengths
  • Think about your weaknesses
  • Analyze the environment and all the opportunities and threats that involves it
  • Be realistic and critic
  • Think about personal strategies that could improve your personal-professional profile

RULES for teachers

  • Define the time for each analysis
  • Encourage students to think about SWOT factors first and CAME strategies after that
  • “Unlock” the students that get stuck
  • Promote strategies that could help students to neutralize their weaknesses and the general threats of the environment

Reflection tips

  • Was it easy to find factors in each of the SWOT components? Why?
  • Which of the elements of the SWOT was more difficult for you? Why?
  • Do you think that we normally have time to think about all of these personal characteristics?
  • Has the tool improved your self-knowledge?
  • Do you think that the CAME strategies are realistic and feasible?
  • Was it easy to think about strategies to face threats? Do you think that we can always anticipate threats? Why?
  • Do you think that you have opportunities around you? Why?
  • Do you have enough motivation to follow the strategies you set up to work on your weaknesses? Why?
  • Do you think that your strengths are valuable? Which strategies do you think that can help you to maintain and work on your strengths?

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