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Inspiring and motivating for social entrepreneurship

45 min | Team | Presentation Inspire and motivate Value creation


The Challenge

This is supporting material to teach the “Inspire and Motivate for Social Entrepreneurship” module. It is a presentation that can be used in the classroom while teaching the module.

It also includes a 15-min video that can be used for reflection.

List of required equipment

  • Laptop
  • Projector
  • Speakers if you are going to show the video in class

What can students learn from this?

Students will understand Why a Social Entrepreneur needs to Inspire and Motivate others. They will learn Who you need to Inspire and Motivate and How to Inspire and Motivate – and what it includes. Also, they will watch a Story to reflect on.

How can I do this in class?

You can go for the full presentation (45 mins) or allow students to watch it before/after the lecture and minimize the time of the lecture to around 30 minutes.

Reflection tips

Discuss the video with your students

  • How did the entrepreneur look for new partnerships? Why?
  • What was the most important thing you learned?